The definition of the smart home

- 2021-11-05-

Smart home is a residential platform, which integrates the facilities related to home life by using generic cabling technology, network communication technology, security prevention technology, automatic control technology and audio and video technology, constructs an efficient management system of residential facilities and family schedule affairs, improves the safety, convenience, comfort and artistry of home, and realizes an environment-friendly and energy-saving living environment

Smart home is the embodiment of IOT under the influence of the Internet. Smart home connects various devices in the home (such as audio and video equipment, lighting system, curtain control, air conditioning control, security system, digital cinema system, video server, shadow cabinet system, network appliances, etc.) through Internet of things technology to provide home appliance control, lighting control, telephone remote control, indoor and outdoor remote control, anti-theft alarm, environmental monitoring, HVAC control Infrared forwarding and programmable timing control. Compared with ordinary home, smart home not only has traditional living functions, but also has buildings, network communication, information appliances and equipment automation, provides all-round information interaction functions, and even saves funds for various energy costs